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sean patrick maloney a Liberal’s Liberal.


A couple of weeks ago – without warning and with no explanation – the yoga studio where I’d been practicing for nearly five years shut its doors. My yogi friends and I were stunned. We met for coffee in the aftermath, to discuss our plan for finding a new yoga “home.” We’re hot yoga devotees, … Continued

Q: How do I break through an “exercise plateau”?

I love, love, love it when a reader’s question gets me thinking about something in a new way. Really, there’s nothing better than a little brainstorming sesh with somebody to get the creative problem-solving juices flowing! So here’s the question that a reader posed to me recently about breaking through her “exercise plateau,” followed by … Continued

The 4 elements of fitness

There are four elements of fitness; does your workout hit them all? They are: strength, stamina, flexibility and balance. You could argue the balance one with me, but really why would you? (Besides, it’s my blog, so I win.) No, I’m teasing (mostly). But seriously, balance is a very important part of functional movement, especially as … Continued

Lend me your ears

“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…” Quoting Shakespeare always makes me feel smart. In this case, my motive is a little less noble than Mark Antony’s was in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar. I’m hoping that you’ll lend me your ears long enough to listen to some of my new podcasts that came out this week! … Continued

How to Eat Like It Matters (when no one else is)

A 20-something friend asked me the other day, “My social life pretty much revolves around going out for drinks with friends, watching football together and going out for brunch. All of our activities involve eating and drinking. How am I supposed to lose weight without giving up my normal hangouts? I’ve tried it before and … Continued

In defense of introverts

I am an introvert, let me just say. It surprises people sometimes when I declare myself as such, I suppose because I can be outgoing and personable, and because I do public speaking and am a “public figure,” at least in the realm of healthy living. But truthfully I am most myself when I am … Continued