Lend me your ears
“Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears…”
Quoting Shakespeare always makes me feel smart.
In this case, my motive is a little less noble than Mark Antony’s was in Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.
I’m hoping that you’ll lend me your ears long enough to listen to some of my new podcasts that came out this week!
For the past few months I’ve been recording podcasts at the KIRO studios in Seattle. Several of those podcasts are available to listen to now both on MyNorthwest.com and by subscription on iTunes. You’ll find links to them below.
And if you haven’t entered my Ultimate Spring Cleaning Giveaway, today’s your last day! The prize is a 3-hour in-home consultation and wardrobe overhaul with personal stylist Lacie Powell. Lacie will help you sort through your closet and help you pick a personal style that’s just right for your lifestyle. If you live outside the Seattle area, you can still win! The alternate prize is a gift card to California Closets of equal value ($330). Plus, each time you SHARE the contest LINK with family and friends YOU EARN ANOTHER CHANCE TO WIN! Wowzers!
So enter and share, and keep your fingers crossed! I’m hoping you’re my WINNER!
Have a happy, healthy week!

Ultimate Spring Cleaning Giveaway
Enter to win a three-hour in-home consultation with professional stylist Lacie Powell. Lacie will help you with the ultimate spring cleaning as she guides you through your closet and advises you on ways to update your wardrobe and look. Consultation and closet edit must take place in the immediate Seattle area and to be scheduled on a mutually agreed upon date.

Podcast: Finding the fire inside
Don’t let passive acceptance kill the fire and excitement you feel for living healthy.

Podcast: Some food are truly evil
Its not the food’s fault, but there are an army of folks working to create irresistible combinations to make us eat more. Listen now…

Recipe: Arugula with Chicken, Pears and Toasted Pecans
I may be getting ahead of myself (what else is new), but I just can’t help it. The onset of spring has already got me longing for the warmer days of summer which, for me, means a gigantic salad for dinner every night. Read more…

HartfordMile.com guest blog: The View from the Finish Line
We usually think of weight loss as a straight line, with a definitive starting point and a finish line. From my vantage point, now nearly eight years since I lost 120-lbs., it seems clear that it just doesn’t work that way. Read more…