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Motivation in Action

Whew! What a week! My in-box is as busy as the gym parking lot in January! It’s an excellent reminder to put to practice what I always say: there’s no better time to focus on what’s important than when you’re really busy. That time is now!

This week we’ve been searching for our ever-elusive “motivation.” Where does it come from? How do you keep it going? And where the heck does it go when it’s MIA?!

In Tuesday’s blog, “Motivation Comes and Goes Like a Bad Mood” I talked about how relying on motivation to make permanent lifestyle change is a recipe for disaster. You don’t wait until you feel motivated to brush your teeth, right? Healthy eating and fitness are no different. You create a habit and then you follow through.

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In Thursday’s blog, “Motivation in Action” I deconstruct a bad habit and show how to build a healthy habit in its place. You can apply this formula in a thousand different ways as you work through detrimental behaviors you want to change.

All of the videos with our first Motivational Weight Loss Superstar have been so inspiring this week. Jill’s story is compelling, but also very relatable. You can watch them as five separate, shorter videos (the full length interview will be posted next week). Way to go Jill, and thanks for sharing your insight with us! (Watch: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

marilynpantsA quick note about the surprising controversy that kicked up this week when I changed my Facebook profile picture to this photo of me in my “fat pants.” Facebook rejected the post I attempted to boost, saying my photo “promoted idealized physical appearance.” Later that day Facebook further declared that my posts would be denied until I prevented them from going to anyone under 18 years of age because they “promote adult products…” Hmmmm. I don’t mean to offend anyone and I certainly believe that Facebook has the right to apply rules to their site. Still, as one of my followers put it “It’s unfortunate that Facebook can’t distinguish between promoting a healthy lifestyle and promoting diet fads.” Too true.

Whether the photo gets published on Facebook or not, those pants represent for me how far I’ve come.

My own transformation was prompted by a desire to seize control over something that had controlled me for decades. Losing weight has been life-changing on so many levels, far beyond what I could have imagined when I committed to change. I look forward to taking that journey with each of you, because we’re gonna get there together!

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