Dark Chocolate Coconut Cream Mousse
Here’s the recipe from Laura’s Motivational Monday video!
- 1 can coconut cream
- 1 tsp “sugar-sweetener” of choice (I mostly use xylitol, but have several options that are all excellent)
- 2 tbsp of dark cocoa powder
Cooking Instructions
- Remove any excess coconut water from the coconut cream. Whip with a mixer like you would whipping cream and add sweetner of your choice and cocoa powder.
- Put in serving dishes.
- For a special treat… Add 1 oz Kahlua Liqueur.
You can also do vanilla with 1 oz Baileys Irish Cream for extra decadence.
You can whiz up pieces of frozen lemon into lemon dust and use extra “sugar” and you have lemon curd. For luxury add 1 ounce Limonella Cream or a frozen berry of your choice for a beautiful fruit mousse.