School lunch ideas
Welcome! Eat Like It Matters is an approach to weight loss, fitness and healthy living that is life-long and holistic. My own journey has taken me from decades of morbid obesity (I had a BMI of 41) to fit and healthy at age 50. The life that I get to live now is so rewarding that I simply cannot sit down and be quiet about what I’ve learned. There is much to share and talk about as we explore how to live a life full of vitality and good health.
Some of you joined this community because of the Seattle Times op-ed I wrote recently on childhood obesity, a critical health problem in America today. In that piece I suggested that we examine what goes on that cafeteria tray and what we’re sending in those lunch boxes from home. I’m a big believer that every choice matters and since eating patterns are established in childhood, what better time to instill good habits?
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Many asked, “Okay Marilyn, what do your kids eat for lunch every day at school?” Fair question! To answer that I wrote a blog – just posted to my website! – in which I reveal some of the foods that go in a McKenna-kid brown bag. But I also want your feedback. I want to know what you feed your kids, whether they’re open to new, healthy foods or if you stick with the tried-and-true standards. I want to know what you think, and answer some questions you have, so please ask away or give me your thoughts in the comments below the post.
Also, if you have a subject you’d like to talk about related to weight loss, fitness, childhood obesity or healthy living in general, you can reply to this email with your ideas.
And since I never seem to end any conversation without saying it …let’s go get it!