Ready, Set … Goals!
Goals are a way of defining where you’re going.
“I want to lose 100 lbs.”
“I want to get off my high-cholesterol medication.”
“I want to run a 5K.”
But they’re also a way of defining how you’re going to get there.
“I’m going to do Weight Watchers.”
“I’m going to exercise six days a week, for 60 minutes each day.”
“I’m going to do the Runner’s World 5K Beginner’s Training Program.”
Goals are results-oriented. They’re tangible. They have structure and accountability. And I absolutely LOVE them!
You cannot get from where you are now (overweight or obese) to where you want to be (normal weight) without goals. You can’t hope it, dream it, wish it or even pray it. And it doesn’t even matter how much you want it; if you don’t have specific goals and a plan to get there, it ain’t happening.
Because we’re on the cusp of a new year we’re starting a new series I call “Ready, Set … Goals!”
If you participated in the “Health for the Holidays” series you’ve already established some excellent eating and exercise habits. If you’re just joining us, have no fear! There is never, ever a bad time to start taking better care of yourself.
In my mind, when you’re ready to commit yourself to a big goal – in our case, weight loss – then you’re all in. You need to clear your calendar so that you can really focus on breaking old habits and establishing a new way of doing things.
“Ready, Set … Goals!” conjures up images of being on the cusp of a great undertaking. You’re nervous, you’re excited, you’re not absolutely sure you’re gonna be able to do this.
But in the background you’ve been preparing in lots of ways. You’ve been thinking about it a lot. About what it means to change. You’ve been talking to trusted friends about it. Maybe you’ve been reading books or web content about it (hopefully mine!) and you’re ready to commit.
I’m very pleased to announce that every Monday in January I’ll be joined in my videos by someone who’s had tremendous success with weight loss. Each of these people will share why they decided to change, how they deal with obstacles, and what motivates them. You can learn a lot from people who are on the same journey as you, but are maybe just a little bit farther up the road. I’m calling these videos “Motivational Mondays” because they’ll be out on Mondays. And they’re about motivation. Clever, eh?
Besides motivation we’ll be exploring several other topics to get you on your way.
First, you’ve got to choose a diet that works for you. I know everybody says that diets don’t work, but you’ve got to have a plan. So call it a diet or call it an eating plan, but you must have a method of getting from here to there.
Second, we’re going to establish consistency. The result you get is directly related to how regularly you do something. Of course, consistency sets up habit and creating healthy habits is how you make change permanent.
And finally, prioritizing your time. When I said, “clear your calendar” I wasn’t kidding. It will require time to establish new habits – maybe trying out new recipes or a new exercise class. If you try to squeeze your goals into your existing life you set yourself up for failure. It takes time to establish new patterns so you’re going to have to make room to do that.
“Ready, Set … Goals!” is a month-long look at how to set yourself up to succeed at weight loss.
You’re standing on the starting line and the gun’s ready to go off. Just remember, you’re not alone. I’m right here to help you. I’ve been where you are; I’ve felt the fear and anxiety, but also the excitement and the hope of setting off in a different direction. We’re gonna get there, one goal at a time.
Losing weight is hard, but it gets easier. And you’re so worth this!
Let’s go get it!