One Meal at a Time Recap
We’re wrapping up the month of March and our discussion of losing weight “One Meal at a Time.” Of course, the conversation is ongoing, but let’s take a quick look back at what we’ve touched on.
No better place to start than breakfast, right?!
In “One Meal at a Time: Breakfast” I made the case for starting the day with a breakfast consisting of 20 grams of protein and complex carbohydrates in the form of fruits and / or vegetables. I also included recipes for my pre- and post-workout smoothies.
“Breaking Bad (Breakfast Habits)” examined some of the breakfast foods that are a part of our Standard American Diet. Many traditional breakfast foods – even cereal, a classic American breakfast table – are substandard options due to a lack of staying power.
Next up? Lunch!
In “Wait, Did I Just Eat Lunch?” I promoted eating lunch attentively rather than cramming it in between meetings and answering emails. I am convinced that one of the reasons we overeat is that this type of mindless eating is fundamentally dissatisfying.
“What’s for Lunch?” was a top 5 list of go-to lunch ideas that can be packed from home and eaten at work or on the run. There was even one fast food option when you’re in a bind.
Then I dropped the bomb. Dinner is mostly vegetables. Ouch.
In “This Can’t Be What I Ordered, There Are Vegetables On This Plate” I recommended eating a very modest dinner comprised primarily of vegetables. As an incentive, I offered my favorite go-to salad recipe that I make for dinner all the time.
“Vegetables: It’s What’s For Dinner” was a “Top 5” list of my other favorite mainly vegetable, 300-calorie dinner ideas that are not salad. I don’t feel like eating rabbit food every night either!
Then finally this week we moved on to the fun stuff, snacks and dessert!
In “I am not a cow; I do not graze” I talked about why I believe snacking – or eating 5 – 6 “mini-meals” a day – is a winning weight loss strategy. It helps keep hunger at bay and keeps your metabolism fired up all day long. It’s very different from haphazard grazing, which can lead to consuming hundreds of unplanned calories.
“I ain’t French! This girl needs a snack!” was a “Top 10” list of my favorite go-to snacks and desserts that meet my absolute mandatory requirements: they are both healthy and delicious!
The videos this month included my post-surgery video and introduction to the “Ask Marilyn” feature on the website. Many of you have asked about how I’m doing after having a basal cell carcinoma removed from my eyelid and I have to say it’s almost unnoticeable just a few short weeks after. Thank you for your kinds words of encouragement!
Then there was the “One Meal at a Time” video that showed what my typical eating plan “blueprint” looks like, day in and day out. Watch and let me know if this system might work for you.
Finally, there was the inaugural “Ask Marilyn” Q&A videos which answers the questions submitted to the website. In this first video I answer two questions I get asked frequently: “How do you handle late afternoon hunger?” and “How do you stay motivated?” Great questions!
I look forward to answering more of the questions in upcoming videos so keep ‘em coming!