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One Meal At A Time

Meal-PlanYou achieve success one decision at a time. You succeed at weight loss one meal at a time. It can feel overwhelming to contemplate losing 100 lbs. or even 20 or 30, especially if you’ve tried many times before. But if you commit to a healthy lifestyle one meal at a time, it’s more manageable.

When I set out to lose 120 lbs. nearly 7 years ago, I had to completely overhaul my diet and create new habits for living healthy. For me, those habits include an eating plan that is very healthy, but pretty repetitive. The way I maintain my weight loss, in fact the way I lost weight, was by developing a blueprint and eating from that every day. Here’s what “one meal at a time” looks like for me:

Breakfast: I call it my First-Thing-In-The-Morning-“Let’s-Go-Get-It!” Smoothie. It’s packed with Greek yogurt and frozen fruit, providing me with a combination of protein and carbohydrates.

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