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Let’s get it on!

marvin-gaye-lets-get-it-on-his-greatest-hits-in-concert-2cdWhen you hear “let’s get it on!” (if you’re of a certain age, anyway) you probably hear the sultry Marvin Gaye song playing in your head. Apparently I’m of a certain age, because that’s exactly what I hear.

As I sit at my desk, stewing in my uncertainty, it takes on a different meaning.

The clock is ticking down to the release of my book (available this week on both and, in print and as an ebook), Eat Like It Matters: How I Lost 120 Pounds and Found My Inner Badass (And How You Can Too!), and I am filled with both excitement and trepidation. Of course I’m excited because I’ve been working on this book for several years now and I feel ready to send it out into the world. At the same time I am uncertain as to how it will be received. Understand, writing this book was not like writing a textbook or a fictional story; this book is a personal narrative (emphasis on personal) that chronicles my weight loss, but it also reveals how I challenged everything I did, every relationship I had, and everything I thought I knew about myself after years of feeling like a complete and utter failure.

In many ways, this book is my diary laid bare for the world to see.

In addition to my nervousness about sharing my deepest struggles, I now have to convince people to buy it! I have to sell my story and myself to television producers, radio talk shows, newspaper and magazine editors, and any other media influencers whose ear I can bend.

This is so far outside my wheelhouse it’s not even funny.

I have spent a lifetime trying to deflect attention away from myself. I am uncomfortable with this on every level.

And yet I know this story must be told. I believe that – in a world filled with crazy fad diets, celebrity trainers and more weight loss advice than we seem to know what to do with – my perspective is important.

No, my perspective is imperative.

Because even though there are literally hundreds of weight loss books on the market – thousands, if you count all those ever written – almost none were written by people who actually lost weight. I’m not exaggerating. Really, almost none.

There is a huge difference between taking advice from well-intentioned, well-credentialed experts who understand weight loss on an academic level, and someone who has lived it.

That’s where I come in.

And so, it’s time to set my fears aside and start humming that Marvin Gaye song. C’mon baby, let’s get it on!

Have a happy, healthy week!


PS: Don’t miss the Eat Like It Matters “sneak peek” recipe for Strawberry Salsa below. So easy and delicious! I also put together a Pinterest board of some great summer recipes!

Woman Eating Pasta

Blog: What is carbo-loading (and do I need to do it)?

The ubiquitous beer garden at the end of a 5K race can be a lot of fun, not to mention an incentive to get to the finish line. Just as common is the…
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Podcast: Childhood obesity: is there hope?

Obesity has more than quadrupled in adolescents in the last 30 years. As a society we do a lot of hand-wringing about childhood obesity. How can we make a dent…
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Strawberry Salsa


2 pounds strawberries, washed and quartered
1 pound grape tomatoes, halved
¼ cup red onion, diced
¼ cup cilantro
¼ jalapeno pepper,…
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