Frequently asked quinoa … er, questions!
It’s that time again! KING 5’s Evening Magazine’s “Best of Western Washington” voting has started for 2014 and I’m nominated once again for “Best Local Personality on Twitter.” I won last year, so let’s see if I can pull it off again! Our Seahawks are looking for a Super Bowl #RePete and so am I! Cast your vote here!
I get a lot of questions about weight loss and healthy living. Not surprisingly, since I lost 120 lbs. over 7 years ago, the most common question is …HOW DID YOU DO IT???
That frequently asked question can be answered in several ways.
All of them true.
One answer is: I had Lap-band surgery, which was a tool I used to help me get started.
Another answer is: I stopped using food inappropriately. I was a life-long emotional eater who has worked very hard to untangle the web of negative emotions that drove me to overeat.
Also true: I have developed hundreds of strategies to build healthy eating and exercise habits. I employ those habits every day, and work hard to stay focused on my goals.
I hope you find them useful in your own quest to maximize your potential. Speaking of which, if you haven’t entered to win a free DXA Body Composition Analysis, do so now!
Make it a happy, healthy week!
– Marilyn