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100 days of awesome!

100 days…six key components…are you ready to count down to awesome?!? The ubiquitous “30-day challenge” is everywhere – at the gym, the yoga studio, and even my favorite juice bar. And depending on what it is, 30 days can be a good way to build new habits.

But we’re right on the cusp of summer – which is roughly 100 days long – so why not blow the lid off this thing and commit ourselves to really transforming our lives in 100 days???

There are six ways we’re gonna do it, three fitness-related, three food:

  1. 100 days of planks
  2. 100 days of squats
  3. 100 days of push-ups (yes, I said push-ups, but don’t panic)
  4. 100 days of striking sugar
  5. 100 days of healthy fats
  6. 100 days of more greens

This coming week I’ll have a short video each day to tell you how each part of the challenge works. For example, on Monday I’ll explain how to progress through the 100 days of planks. By day 100 you’ll be able to hold a plank position for 3 minutes!

On Tuesday I’ll show you what 100 days of squats will look like, and so on.

By Labor Day you will have tightened your core, strengthened your glutes, banished a whole lotta sugar from your diet, established some great habits, and probably lost weight! What’s not to love about that?!

Taking your health to the next level will be even easier if you WIN a FREE heart rate monitor! The contest ends at midnight tomorrow, so if you haven’t entered yet now’s you’re last chance. Click here to ENTER and remember, you’ll earn extra entries if you SHARE the link on Facebook and Twitter.

Let’s take summer by storm and commit to 100 days of awesome!

Have a happy, healthy week!


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